
Faculty Director Dr. Derrick Cogburn Participates in IGF 2018

Internet Governance Lab Faculty Director Dr. Derrick Cogburn, Professor at the AU School of International Service and Kogod School of Business, will participate in the 13th Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (#IGF2018) hosted by the Government of France at UNESCO headquarters in Paris from November 12-14, 2018. Dr. Cogburn will play a multifaceted role, including speaking at a Disco-tech event on disability and Internet accessibility; presenting at a DCAD workshop; and moderating a Giganet panel on Cybersecurity and Sovereignty.

Dr. Derrick Cogburn Leads Side Event on Data, Disability and Development at the United Nations

Led by Faculty Director Dr. Derrick Cogburn, who is also Executive Director of the AU Institute on Disability and Public Policy (IDPP), the Internet Governance Lab is co-sponsoring the Side Event "Data, Disability and Development: Innovative Approaches to Monitoring and Evaluating CRPD Implementation and Disability-Inclusive Development using Big Data Analytics and Text Mining" at the 11th Conference of States Parties (COSP-11) to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) at United Nations headquarters.