Internet Governance Lab participation in the HICSS 55

The 55th edition of the Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) is happening between January 3rd to 7th 2022 fully online. HICSS is one of the leading research conferences in information systems and one of the longest running academic conferences in the world. HICSS-55 features 700+ papers, 200+ on-demand paper presentations, 100 lives sessions, numerous tutorials and keynote addresses. The Internet Governance Lab Faculty Co-Directors, Dr. Derrick Cogburn and Dr. Nanette Levinson, play multifaceted leadership roles in this historic premier conference.

Dr. Cogburn leads the tutorial on Text Mining, and the minitrack on Text Analytics. He and Dr. Levinson oversee the minitrack on Digital and Social Media: Culture, Identity, and Inclusion along with professor Filippo Trevisan from the AU School of Communication. Cogburn also leads the minitrack on Distributed Collaboration and Telework in Organizations and Networks with several other colleagues from AU, including Kogod School of Business (KSB) professors Alberto Espinosa and Mark Clark. Professor Espinosa also leads the tutorial on Big Data Analytics Body of Knowledge and the minitrack on Big Data Analytics: Pathways to Maturity.

Registration for the HICSS-55 virtual conference is free at the following link. Registered participants have access to all conference sessions and papers. Below you may register for the specific Zoom sessions co-led by the Internet Governance Lab Co-Directors.


Monday, 3 January

10:00 - 12:00: Minitrack on Distributed Collaboration and Telework in Organizations and Networks (Cogburn, Espinosa, Clark, and Nordbäck) - Zoom Registration

1:00 - 3:30: Tutorial on Text Mining (Cogburn, Peladeau, Hines) - Zoom Registration

 4:00 - 6:00: Minitrack on Text Analytics (Cogburn, Peladeau, Hines, and Yoon) - Zoom Registration

Tuesday, 4 January

2:00 - 3:30: Minitrack on Culture, Identity and Inclusion (Levinson, Cogburn, Trevisan) - Zoom Registration
