Registration is Open for the Inaugural HICSS Textathon

As a contribution to a special workshop on advanced text mining and analytics at the 56th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS-56), our Co-Director Dr. Derrick Cogburn is organizing an extended “textathon” on a subset of the HICSS Conference papers.

As one of the leading information systems conferences in the world, HICSS consistently produces a wide range of high-quality, peer-reviewed research papers. These papers are distributed amongst 12 tracks containing multiple mini-tracks and will serve as the dataset for the textathon and the workshop.

The purpose of the workshop and textathon is to illustrate the analytical potential of computational text mining by exploring the contours and intellectual contribution of the HICSS conference through the lens of its conference papers. Computational text mining represents the ability to distill large amounts of unstructured text into useful, novel, and actionable insights that can facilitate decision-making.

Researchers from around the world are invited to contribute to this workshop by registering to participate in the HICSS Textathon. Once registered, participants will have access to a .zip file containing the full textathon instructions, as well as a .csv file with the metadata and subset of the HICSS papers. Researchers may take any text mining approaches they choose in their analysis of the HICSS papers, including both exploratory (inductive) and confirmatory (deductive) techniques.

The overall goal of the textathon is to better understand the trajectory, breadth, and depth of the HICSS intellectual contribution. To register please use following link:
