HICSS-58 AI Safety Through Advanced Text Analytics Call for Papers

Are you conducting groundbreaking research in the field of information systems and technology? The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) is accepting papers for its 58th conference. HICSS is one of the longest-standing scientific conferences in the information technology field, providing a platform for researchers, academics, and industry professionals to exchange ideas and insights.

Consider submitting your paper to the AI Safety, Cybersecurity, and Inclusion Through Advanced Text Analytics minitrack. Created by Internet Governance Lab Co-Director Dr. Derrick L. Cogburn and senior research associates Haiman Wong and Theodore A. Ochieng, the minitrack seeks a wide range of theoretical and empirical papers that employ natural language processing (NLP), text mining, and text analytics techniques to better understand and improve decision making in AI safety, cybersecurity, and inclusion. View the flyer below for details on the minitrack and how to complete your submission.

Attend the new half-day tutorial, “Advanced Text Analytics through Generative AI and Large Language Models,” lead by American University Kogod School of Business and School of International Service Professor Dr. Derrick L. Cogburn and senior research associates Haiman Wong and Theodore A. Ochieng.

Check out other minitracks created by Internet Governance Lab scholars, such as the Social Media, Culture, Identity, and Inclusion minitrack.