IGL at 17th UN Conference of States Parties to the CRPD

This year, the American University Internet Governance Lab (IGL) team will be in attendance of the 17th Conference of State Parties (COSP) to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The conference will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from June 11-13, 2024. The overarching theme of the 2024 session is “Rethinking disability inclusion in the current international juncture and ahead of the Summit of the Future.” Government representatives, disability advocates, and experts convene from around the world to discuss advancements, challenges, and strategies for implementing the CRPD, a landmark international treaty that promotes and protects the rights of persons with disabilities.

The conferenced was preceded by a Civil Society Forum and the opening of the UN Disability and Development Report 2024 on Monday, June 11th.

Join the conference virtually to take part in several side event discussions in disability policy, advocacy, accessibility, technology, and more.

COSP 17 Side Events (Virtual Attendance Links)

Civil Society Forum on Monday, June 10th.

Dr. Derrick L. Cogburn, IDPP Executive Director, attending the opening of the UN Disability and Development Report 2024.

Dr. Cogburn with colleagues at the Civil Society Forum.