IGL Director & Kogod Join New Consortium on AI Safety

IGL Director & Kogod Join New Consortium on AI Safety

In an effort to enhance public safety, foster innovation, and minimize risk, The U.S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is launching the U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute Consortium (AISIC). Several reputable scholars within the American University Kogod School of Business will take part in the launch of this consortium on AI safety.

Internet Governance Lab Distinguished Fellow Fiona Alexander to Participate at the annual Internet Governance Forum.

On October 9th, Fiona Alexander, a Distinguished Fellow from the Internet Governance Lab, will participate in the session “DC-DNSI Closing the Governance Gaps: New Paradigms for a Safer Domain Name System,” at the annual Internet Governance Forum. The session will discuss how the Domain Name System plays a role in internet safety and both public and private led efforts to combat Domain Name System related threats.

The Internet Governance Forum is a global platform for stakeholders to discuss internet-related public policy issues. This year they will be hosting their annual forum virtually and in Kyoto.

More information on the session can be found here.